Wristbands Used For Safety Purposes

Posted by dee_el07 on 10:15 AM

Sometimes we didn’t notice that wristbands are not just for fashion statement but these have many purposes and uses. Wristbands are useful in hospitals, police officials, athletes and etc. For police officials, the Cherry red wristbands with message “say no to risk” is useful for drivers to take precautions and be safe while on the road. These wristbands connote awareness to be responsible drivers. As well as crossing the roads to be more anxious and follow the safety rules by using the pedestrian crossings, for passengers to wear seatbelts at all times to avoid incidents.

In schools, wristbands are used for many purposes. Children are wearing blue wristbands show and support anti-bullying to treat people fairly and diligently.
In a Halloween party, you can use wristbands to prevent from danger. Fire fighters distribute glow in the dark wristbands stating give respect-get respect to remember every individual who are celebrating said event to not to fight and have fun instead. Funny moments sometime because other group to be distracted so better prevent it by wearing wristbands for every group or individual to be aware of.

In hospitals, wristbands are use for patient safety purposes. They have color coded wristbands to monitor patients with the right medication and treatment to be given. Like patients with allergies, can be prevented if with wristbands that states the condition of patients. Under the new rainbow system, five colors are used for specific conditions, purple means do not resuscitate, pink means restricted extremity, green denotes latex allergy, and yellow for fall risk.

Wristbands are also used for caring children that are lost and help them found their parents. Fluorescent bands are the best type of wristbands for this particular purpose as it includes emergency contact numbers and other legitimate information to help the children in contacting their parents.


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