Vinyl Wristband - How it is Different from Paper Tyvek Wrist Bands

Posted by dee_el07 on 9:59 AM

Vinyl, silicone, plastic, and paper type of wristbands are all have the same common uses and purposes as an effective promotional and marketing tool. These bands are popularly used to promote and support causes and help fund money for charitable institutions. Vinyl wristbands as the same as a paper based type of bands use for security purposes are completely functional.
Vinyl wristbands is off the record as one of the choice of material for wristbands to be worn since vinyl wristbands come with a metal fastening which need to use for adjustment over the wrist to securely wear it . Vinyl bracelets need to be snapped into place of wrist to be able to tighten and not be getting off from your wrist unlike silicone bracelet because of its elasticity feature it can be slightly stretched and slipped onto your wrist to fasten while wearing it on the go or in action.

But some says the metal fastener feature of vinyl bracelets look like an added fashionable look into it. The metal feature of vinyl bracelets make it different from the rest of the other type of wristbands.

Tyvek or a good paper based wristbands are primarily used for security or crowd control since the features are light to wear, tampered-free and not easily be worn out. But there are features that make vinyl wristbands a unique type of bands it’s multi-use and single use wristband. Vinyl wristbands can be used for multiple purposes like fund raising (can be worn several times) and for single purpose as tagging system for identification (can be worn once).

Although, vinyl wristbands can’t be used for system or access control since it can be easily tampered and be worn out. Thus, it is not advisable to use it for security purposes. Vinyl wristbands can be easily snapped and slipped out so it is difficult to take it as access control system.
Yet, getting the perfect material that will not cause failure to your purposes, uses, and reasons, wristbands are of great tool and attractive to wear all throughout.


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